The Big Picture Project

We are delighted to launch the pilot of the Big Picture Project, our new initiative with a tightly knit community of Indian school principals, counselors, administrators, college staff, and education advocates.



Together we create, promote and participate in opportunities that change lives of our students by enabling them to “understand the world around them, and the talents within them so that they can become fulfilled individuals and active, compassionate citizens”. (Sir Ken Robinson)



We celebrate diversity, global citizenry, and social change.



By engaging students in challenging conversations, cross-cultural events and life-changing, educational projects, we help students grow organically and invent their own life. In the process, we fulfill our most important promise to them: To help them maximize self-exploration.



As part of this initiative, we focus our energies to develop a new Fellowship+Fund to evangelize the idea of doing good in high schools and colleges across India by highlighting stories such as Let’s Paint for ChangeiHearUGreen Delhi, Live FreelyThe Rhythm Project, and many more, student-led projects to help them become changemakers and help their schools, change agents.



If you are an educator in India, we invite you to join our community through our Facebook group and sign up to enter the project. This would help you develop active civic-engagements, advocacy capabilities, and social entrepreneurship among your students and your colleagues. This initiative provides skills, support, media outreach, and pedagogical inputs to students to encourage them to become more active and productive citizens. It also helps schools to develop critical networks and skills to raise resources for the areas and causes which are deeply aligned with their institutional vision and mission.



The initiative offers several benefits such as global networking opportunities, national level campaign support, opportunity to raise resources and funds on our crowdfunding platform, for important social and educational causes, and developing leadership skills. As part of its design, this initiative hosts and conducts a variety of sessions and workshops led by experts from the field of international education, marketing, social change organizations, and community leadership. The project is also an excellent opportunity to promote the institutional brand and encourage the staff to seek meaningful and high-impact engagements.



This initiative is a direct-action movement to support Indian educational institutions and their students to solve some of the most pressing problems of our times.



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